Starting off down the (sort of) service road.
This trail winds along the slope of the berm that raises the CN rail lines above the neighbourhood.
Soccer field visible through the trees.
Taggers even get in here to violate the trees. ((sigh))
Da twain! Da twain!
... and the train goes on and on - this is the CN main line - double track - so sometimes there are two trains going in opposite directions.
Down in the 'valley' below the tracks looking east.
And looking west - kids with bikes have built a motocross-type area here with lots of jumps - mounds of dirt all over the place.
Unfortunately, the teens tend to hang out here and have bonfires and drink on the weekends and during the summer - much nicer on weekdays during the school year when there is no one around - tonight we almost got run over several times by guys on mountain bikes popping out of nowhere, so we stuck to the high trail.
Downtown skyline visible from the park.
Anyone home?
Nope, no one home but someone was here recently!
Nobody home here either....
The Seine River - upstream - which is looking south.
... and downstream, which is north.
Canada Goose family
Mr. and Mrs. Wood Duck
Maybe I'll jump this.... nah, too much work!
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